sailing family living on a boat a sail yacht blue water sailboat cruising sailing with kids full time liveaboards change of lifestyle sail off into the sunset sailing around the world kid boat sailing with an infant sailing with a young family sailing with a newborn sailing with a toddler sailing adventures sailing europe sailing UK cruising on a boat liveaboard sailboat sailing with a dog sailing with pets living on a boat full time living on a sailing yacht Hallberg-Rassy 42E
sailing family living on a boat a sail yacht blue water sailboat cruising sailing with kids full time liveaboards change of lifestyle sail off into the sunset sailing around the world kid boat sailing with an infant sailing with a young family sailing with a newborn sailing with a toddler sailing adventures sailing europe sailing UK cruising on a boat liveaboard sailboat sailing with a dog sailing with pets living on a boat full time living on a sailing yacht Hallberg-Rassy 42E

In 2017 we bought a boat, quit our jobs, sold all our worldly possessions and began a new life on the sea.

In November 2019, we added a new crew member onboard and the adventure felt like it began all over again!

Come and join us on our family adventure around the world.

About Us

Want to find out more about The Three Mutineers (and Scrappy!)? Head over here. 

Our Home

Check out where we live and the beautiful boat we call our home. Set sail over here.

Get Inspired

Thinking about ditching the rat race for a life at sea? Get inspired by these Sailing Mummas!


Since we left in 2017, we’ve had more free time on our hands to get stuck into new projects. Find out what I’ve been up to here

Sailing With A Baby

Have a family or want one but don’t think this lifestyle is possible? Think again! See how we manage to sail with a baby. 

Sailing With A Dog

Want to travel but think it would be too hard to bring your dog along too? It’s not! Let me walk you through how to go sailing with your dog. 

sailing family living on a boat a sail yacht blue water sailboat cruising sailing with kids full time liveaboards change of lifestyle sail off into the sunset sailing around the world kid boat sailing with an infant sailing with a young family sailing with a newborn sailing with a toddler


In case we haven’t met before, I’m Robyn, and this is our baby girl, Erin!

This is my little corner of the Universe to share our journey of how and why we ditched the rat race for an alternative life living on a boat at sea. 

I’ve learned a lot the past 3.5 years and feel ready to share my experience to help you do the same. It’s been a steep learning curve at times but having someone to hold my hand would have made it a lot easier. That’s where I plan to come in for you! 

I can help you make the transition from land to sea, share ideas for how to raise a family on a boat and show you how to make money online.

Join our little family by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on Instagram so you don’t miss any updates! 


Join Our Family

We're on Youtube

If a picture says a thousand words then how many does a video say? Come and visit our channel on YouTube to see more. 

Get To Know Us

Do you want to get to know more about us, who we are and why we sailed off into the sunset? This is the video to watch. 

Our Boat Tour

Pictures only show so much of a boat. We did a full walkthrough of our first boat Baremka and shared it on our channel. 

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