A Sailing Dog that Hates Water!

Some dogs love the water… Scrappy does not! 

The one GREAT thing about him disliking water is the fact that we know he will not be tempted in the slightest to jump overboard! 

Learning to live so close to the water has been a learning curve for Scrappy but he has embraced it.

He used to avoid puddles like they were smouldering pits of lava!

Just over a year later…he actually SWAM into the sea (with a few little waves [massive to Scrappy!!]) to fetch a very special pinecone that he’d been carrying around on his walk for the past half hour. 

He LOVED that pinecone! 

He still won’t voluntarily go swimming just for the hell of it – he has to be fetching something very special. Like a twig. Or a pinecone!  He will, however, wade out to water that is chest deep (so basically ankle deep to us!) 

THAT is MASSIVE for Scrappy!! 

This trip has made him overcome his fear and dislike for water. We are so proud of him! 

Scrappy SWIMMING! IOS Scillion III behind
Scrappy swimming to fetch his pinecone in the Isles of Scilly

We’ve helped him by having lots and lots of beach walks close to the water and throwing temptations into the water!

Scrappy has watched us swimming off the boat (whilst practically hanging off the side) so he’s been dressed up in his lifejacket and encouraged to swim back to the shore from a close distance. 

Watching his tail twitch and spin from side to side acting as a rudder is fun to watch whilst cheering him on! 

Does your dog like the water or do they do all they can to avoid it?!

Scrappy learning to swim with his lifejacket on in Falmouth, UK
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