
Checking Into Foreign Countries With a Dog

We expected a right palava on this one as that is what happens on return to the UK. 

However… nothing! Not even a check of his passport. (The people we dealt with were more interested in giving Scrappy tummy tickles! Of course, he didn’t mind that one little bit!)

It probably has something to do with the fact that we are part of the European Union and are able to travel freely as British citizens and a British flagged vessel. 

So far (touch wood), we haven’t had any trouble when entering any of the countries we’ve been to. 

I imagine this is something to do with the fact that we over travelled by private sailboat and not on a ferry or aeroplane but hey, I’ll take that! 

Scrappy has his passport and all his jabs are up to date regardless.

Knowing that the UK will be exiting the EU in a few months time however, we are expecting the ease of travelling abroad with Scrappy to become not so easy! 

Watch this space! 

How have you found taking your dog abroad on a boat? 

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