Exploring Abroad with Our Dog (Scrappy)

One of our favourite things to do when we get somewhere new is to go exploring and Scrappy absolutely loves this bit too! 

There are always so many new smells to be sniffed and questionable spots to be found to roll in. 

He always finds plenty of new friends during each exploration and gets plenty of tummy tickles too! In fact, he makes an excellent ice breaker for us to talk to people we wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Scrappy has had more walks since we moved onboard than ever before and we have covered hundreds and hundreds of miles in the time we’ve been away. 

The brilliant thing about this lifestyle which I think is great for Scrappy too is the fact that we are always taking him for walks in new places and different settings. 

At the beach in Cadzand-Bad, The Netherlands
Scrappy on some rocks in France
Exploring ashore in Camaret-Sur-Mer, France

He’s had walks on beaches, through fields and woods, along rivers, moors, up hills… he’s never bored and always comes back to the boat and is fast asleep in his bed before too long. 

Spending so much time by the water has had a great effect on him too – Scrappy’s now no longer afraid of water, but he still doesn’t love it yet!

We’ve found that people in shops and restaurants abroad in France especially are much more welcoming to dogs. 

I’ve left Dave stood outside before now with Scrappy when I’ve gone into a boulangerie (bakery) and the lady behind the counter has actively encouraged Dave to come in with Scrappy! 

We’ve been out for meals in restaurants with Scrappy many, many times abroad and I don’t think we’ve ever been refused a table when we had him with us. Most of the time we have to eat outside but some restaurants in France have even let us eat with him inside! 

Where does your dog like to go exploring?

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