Humber Cruising Association, Grimsby

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Where it all began!

Grimsby is where our adventure began! 

It is where Baremka was berthed when we bought her back in May 2017 and where we learned to sail.

We spent just over a month here before we left to go on our adventure. It was fun learning to live on a boat rather than in a house and we met lots of really friendly and helpful people during our time here. 

SOme extra points

  • It’s not the smartest place in the world here but the people here are friendly and welcoming.
  • The bar is a very welcome addition – it’s run by members and the prices are cheap! (Slightly dangerous…!) They also hold events here. We went to watch a band and enjoyed some good (but cheap) food during the evening.
  • You can get take away delivered to the Marina! 
  • It is secure. There is a large locked gate which you need a fob for to get in and out.
  • Supermarkets within walking distance.
  • Good walk along the sea front (concrete path) to Cleethorpes where you can get delicious fish and chips.
  • The showers are hot! (Only one available in women’s).
  • Lift out available here and room for boats on the hard right next to the water. 

Photographs from Grimsby

Contact Details

Humber Cruising Association
Meridian Quay            
Fish Docks            
North East Lincolnshire            
DN31 3SD

T(+44) 01472 268 424
F: (+44) 01472 269 832



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